Another Malicious Email

Here is an additional email that is going around today. It’s also bypassing spam filters. This one has a zip file attachment, which IS removed by our spam filter service. —- Begin Malicious Email —-

Dear Microsoft Customer,

Starting 18/10/2009 the ‘Conficker’ worm began infecting Microsoft customers unusually rapidly. Microsoft has been advised by your Internet provider that your network is infected. To counteract further spread we advise removing the infection using an antispyware program. We are supplying all effected Windows Users with a free system scan in order to clean any files infected by the virus. Please install attached file to start the scan. The process takes under a minute and will prevent your files from being compromised. We appreciate your prompt cooperation. Regards, Microsoft Windows Agent #2 (Hollis) Microsoft Windows Computer Safety Division   —- End Malicious Email —-