Here to Serve

This year has been a time to reflect on our business. Specifically how things have changed over the last 10 years, moving forward, growth, and identifying our strengths. At Run Networks, we celebrated 10 years of business this year. Why do we still love what we do? Let’s dig in.

If you research service excellence and customer service, you’ll find countless articles on how companies provide the best customer service and how important customer service is. This seems logical for a service company to think that customer service is important. But how do they provide the best customer service, and is that the reason their clients hire them?

It is common for the IT industry to struggle to communicate to clients the services they offer. Especially when those services are included in general phrases like Managed Services, Managed IT Services, Help Desk, Network Support, or whatever you want to call it. “Managed Services” is a general term specific to the IT industry that includes a potpourri of services. Many of our clients might see or only care about help desk services. When they have a problem, they want us to fix it. Which is probably the most important service we provide in the customer’s eye. When we restore a file or folder from backup, then they are thankful for our Managed Backup service, though. Many of the IT services we perform are done behind the scenes and it can be difficult at times to show value, results, and to quantify those actions.

Do we provide the best IT service? Not to toot my own horn, but yes.

Our challenge with our clients is first to gain trust and confidence, then to continually show the value of our service, and to quantify the service provided. Initially this might sound like some master plan that maps out our system, but shouldn’t every service company, especially an IT service company, have a plan like this? Definitely.

What makes Run Networks different?

As President of Run Networks, I want my team to be strong in knowledge, experience and communication skills, with clearly defined roles. I want each member to enjoy what they do, and to enjoy working with our clients. I believe we’re close to that goal, although it is a constant work in progress as we can all always improve ourselves.

It is also my goal that our clients enjoy working with us and trust our recommendations. Although service calls can involve stressful situations and may not always be fun, I hope our clients feel relief and satisfaction after each phone call with us. I also want our clients to feel free to discuss any dissatisfaction with us because it is in both of our best interests to fix any issues as soon as possible.

In summary, I want our clients to know that we love to serve. We are here to serve. We intend to fulfill their expectation of service when they hired us.

If you are not already a Run Networks client rest assured that when you hire us for network support, we will fulfill your IT network service expectations. We can discuss and explain the contents of the potpourri of IT services. Know that you can trust our recommendations. We are here to serve you.